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Lending Call for Nominations

The Lending Council Executive Committee is the governing body for the Council, providing leadership and setting our strategic direction. Members of this group also provide sub-committee leadership to coordinate the efforts of other Council volunteers in delivering member benefits and events.

  • Be a credit union employee in a Amercia's Credit Unions affiliated credit union;
  • Be a Council member in good standing;
  • Be willing and able to serve a three-year term;
  • Have the support of his or her employer for the required executive committee activities*: 
    • Attending the annual Conference (5-6 days travel)
    • Attending the annual Strategic Planning Meeting (up to 3 days travel)
    • Attending executive and sub-committee conference calls (at least monthly, 1 hour each)
  • Have the support of his or her employer to fully participate in required committee volunteering:
    • Spending 50 hours or more (annually) on executive committee work
    • Spending 20-30 hours or more (annually) on a sub-committee as chair or co-chair. Sub-committees work on a variety of items like: 
      • Helping to plan the annual Council Conference
      • Recruiting sponsorships that support the Council and its members
      • Developing resources such as white papers and virtual roundtables 
      • Identifying and judging award winners
      • Finding and onboarding new members and engaging them in the Councils Community

* Travel is mainly reimbursed, but there may be additional expenses

  • Experience with credit unions and within your field of expertise
  • Strategic thinking and leadership capabilities
  • Length of Council membership 
  • Volunteer experience, with Councils and/or any other industry organizations
  • Past involvement and leadership in other boards
  • Engagement and familiarity with Councils

Candidates interested in serving are requested to submit the following no later than Friday, September 20, 2024.

  • A letter of interest
  • A current resume
  • A high-resolution headshot, and 
  • A 100‑150-word campaign statement  

Submit materials to Ethan Nelson, Chair of the Nominations Committee at along with a copy to Sedric Brinson,

The nominating committee will then evaluate and present recommended candidates to the membership for democratic election. The committee will take care to present a slate of candidates that exceeds the number of vacancies and is as geographically and professionally balanced as possible.

The election will be conducted electronically in September. New members will take their executive committee seats at the conclusion of the Lending Council Annual Conference to be held November 3-6, 2024, in Nashville, TN.