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The “Power up with CUNA Councils” member promotion runs through August 31.

New members get $100 off their dues and will be entered in a drawing to win a free 2022 membership and conference registration for their Council’s 2022 conference.

This is a great opportunity for them to learn what their Council can do for their career and a great opportunity for you to strengthen the peer power of CUNA Councils. Tell them about your favorite Council benefits! 

What can you do? 

  1. Send your colleagues to to join
  2. Send an email to your credit union contacts who are not members 
  3. Post on your social media

Sample email:

Subject: Time to ‘Power up with CUNA Councils’


First Name,

I’d like to invite you to join me and your credit union leadership colleagues nationwide and “Power up with CUNA Councils.”

CUNA Councils are national professional societies run for and by credit union executives. With 7,300+ CUNA Council members across eight distinct areas of expertise, you’ll connect with peers focused on similar aspects of credit union management.

New members who join through August 31 receive $100 off their 2021 dues and will be entered in a drawing to win a free 2022 membership to their Council and free conference registration for their Council’s 2022 conference.

Join CUNA Councils for industry- and discipline-specific professional development. From annual conferences and expert virtual roundtables to detailed white papers and networking opportunities, CUNA Councils members get access to unrivaled industry resources.

Explore what CUNA Councils offers for you at and feel free to reach out with any questions. We look forward to having you join us!

All the best,

[INSERT name,


CUNA Councils]

Sample Social Media

Sample social media posts:

As a CUNA Councils member, I can attest to the fact that no matter where you are in your #creditunion career, CUNA Councils can help you be at your best. Power up with CUNA Councils by August 31 and receive $100 off your membership dues. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions! #PowerUpWithCouncils


You might already be a rock-star #creditunion lender, marketer or CEO. Maybe you’re still growing in your career, or maybe you’ve already made it to the top. But ongoing development never stops. Learn why you should power up with CUNA Councils by August 31. As a current member, I can answer any questions you have! #PowerUpWithCouncils


When you power up with CUNA Councils, you’ll have access to a captive audience of your immediate peers (like me!) to ask questions of and share information in an online community specific to your functional area – and much more! Check it out and let me know if you have questions. #PowerUpWithCouncils


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