America's Credit Unions Councils is the go-to place for credit union leaders to connect, collaborate, and learn about what is happening in the industry and in their specific field. See why some of your peers across eight professional disciplines value their membership!
A ton of valuable information and resources for an amazing, low cost.
Michael Mutchler
VP-Lending/Member Solutions, InFirst FCU, Lending Council member since 2016
There are so many talented people that I can pick their brains and get ideas for what works and what doesn’t. It’s a pleasure to be associated with such a wonderful group of caring, creative people.
Kathy Moore, CUBDP, CCUFC
Business Development Director, Greenville Heritage FCU, Marketing & Business Development Council member since 2014
I like the collaboration of all of us who are in the same profession. Everyone is willing to help out. From sharing spreadsheets or policies, to giving opinions on vendors based on experiences, etc.
Janis Motichka
VP Accounting/Controller, Freedom of Maryland FCU, Finance Council member since 2017
Councils is a great resource for information pertaining specifically to the credit union industry. Wonderful support, timely and relevant information.
Mike LaCroix
VP of Training, Marketing and Member Services, Siouxland FCU, HR & Organizational Development Council member since 2012
I can always find or get an answer that I need. Tons of knowledge that has allowed me to research products and policies (and other topics) quickly.
Christine Todd
COO, Siskiyou Central CU, Operations & Member Experience Council member since 2015
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